Oleh : Al Ries & Jack Trout
Penerbit : Mc Graw Hill, 1987
Tebal : 213 halaman
Positioning is not what you do to a product. Positioning is what you do to the mind of the prospect. That is, you position the product in the mind of the prospect.
In communication, as in architecture, less is more. You have to sharpen your message to cut into the mind. You have to jettison the ambuguities, simplify the message, and then simplify it some more if you want to make a long-lasting impression.
Shakespeare was wrong. The name is the hook that hangs the brand on the product ladder in the prospect's mind. In the positioning era, the single most important marketing decision you can make is what to name the product.
With a good name, your positioning job is going to be a lot easier.
Let's review positioning theory as it might apply to your own personal career. What are you? People suffer from the same disease as products. What is your own position in life?
In positioning, smaller may be better.
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