Sunday, February 6, 2022

What Color Is Your Parachute?

A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers

Oleh : Richard N. Bolles

Penerbit : Ten Speed Press, 2005

Tebal : 400 halaman

Outsourcing is employers hiring inexpensive labor overseas, in India, China etc. Insourcing is overseas companies go overseasto hire, and end up hiring here in the U.S, thus giving U.S workers jobs they wouldn't have otherwise had.

Here are 5 simple questions to getting started areas on Parachute Star:

  1. How would you most like to spend your time?
  2. How would you most like to work with?
  3. What verb most appeal to you? 
  4. How would you most like to achieve during your time?
  5. What kind of people would you like to be surrounded by?

You get to choose which one you want to pursue. You have another choice. You can choose to just find a job. You can choose to just look for a job. It is life-changing job-hunt that begins, if that doesn't work, change your strategy, find a friend. 

The one thing a job-hunter needs above everything else is hope, and hope is born of persistence.

Don't be wearied by rejection or NO. The closer you are to that YES.

The major problem of home businesses is that it's often difficult to maintain the balance between business and family time.

Several steps you can take to start of home business,

  • Read books to ideas for home businesses.
  • Evaluating any ideas that you pick up, the first thing you ought to look at are your dreams.
  • What service or product already offered in the community?
  • Consider a franchise, franchise exist because some people want to have their own business, but don't want to go through the agony of starting it up.

You only have one life here on this earth.

Get the names of at least two careers, or jobs. Never ever put all your eggs in one basket. The secret of surviving out there in the jungle is having alternatives.

Range is what salary negotiation is all about. Try to discover the highest salary that employer is willing to pay within that range. The employer's goal, is to save money.

Respect to our life and work, from beginning to end.

Life has deep meaning to me, now. I have discovered more than my ideal job.

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